Draw Along A Lenton!

The brilliant Steven Lenton, Book Nook favourite and illustrator extraordinaire, has been keeping children young and old amused and creatively active with his #DrawAlongALenton series of ‘how to’ videos. So far these have featured a fun guide on how to draw amazing characters from his various books including Prince Grogbah from The Nothing to See Here Hotel series.

However, this week Steven has pulled in a few favours from his fellow illustrators and there will be a whole host of brilliant draw-along videos from different people including Chris Chatterton, Sophy Henn, Izzy Burton, Ben Mantle and Alice McKinley.

Make sure to follow #DrawAlongALenton on social media and get drawing. Hooray for illustrators!

Independent Bookshop Week and The Book Nook’s 10th Birthday

We’ve all had a fantastic time celebrating Independent Bookshop Week and our Big 10th Birthday. Thanks to Sophy Henn, Sam Copeland, Sarah Horne and Nick Sharratt for joining us for FANTASTIC book events. Huge thanks to all our lovely customers for sharing the fun with us. What an incredible week it’s been!

Watch Nick Sharratt juggling with jelly during Independent Bookshop Week. We had a fantastic time during his book event - and we have some signed books left in stock. Head to the shop for a peek.

Super Duper fun with Sophy Henn

Look at our SUPER DUPER new window display!

We had super duper fun with Book Nook favourite, author and illustrator Sophy Henn. She read her new book Super Duper You to a rapt audience and then gave a masterclass in illustrating emotions. Lots of cutting and sticking fun followed with a visor-making workshop.

Hi-fives to everyone who came along to enjoy the fun and huge thanks to Super Duper Sophy.