After Prune’s Grandparents die, she moves to their old house with her mum and brother.
This means a new town and a new school, where a group of mean girls (the Vile-lets) bully her and her new friends. All these changes come with big feelings, and with them, Prune starts to see clouds of beautiful colours. Prune loves to draw and carries her sketchbook everywhere. One day she draws a hot air balloon and wishes so much that it would take her away – to her amazement it comes to life!
Prune has always loved superheroes and their powers. She always wished she had a power like them. When she realises she does, it turns out to be more shocking than she thought.
I really enjoyed this book. I liked that it wasn’t just about superpowers, it was about how her feelings affected them.
I liked how Prune became stronger and told her teacher about the bullying.
I like that she tells her mum and brother about her powers, although her mum is worried that it is dangerous.
I love that she chooses The Wondrous Prune as her superhero name. Even though some people had picked on her unusual name, she is proud of being Prune.
I’d like to know what Prune does next, how her powers can be used, and who else might have powers (like the boy on the bus.)