Emily Brown and the Thing by Cressida Cowell, ill. by Neal Layton


Emily Brown and her rabbit, Stanley, are trying to sleep. But a Splish-Splosh noise is keeping them awake… It’s a Thing! And this Thing just won’t go to sleep. Emily Brown and Rabbit try everything, but nothing works. Just what could be the matter?


Emily Brown and her rabbit, Stanley, are trying to sleep. But a Splish-Splosh noise is keeping them awake… It’s a Thing! And this Thing just won’t go to sleep. Emily Brown and Rabbit try everything, but nothing works. Just what could be the matter?

This warm and witty picture book is perfect for sharing with children who may be afraid of the dark. With a gentle message that things are never quite as scary as they first seem.

Additional information

Weight .3 kg
Dimensions 25 × 20 × 5 cm


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