*With Signed Bookplate and Pin Badge* Rotten Romans by Terry Deary, ill. by Martin Brown


Discover all the foul facts about the Rotten Romans with history’s most horrible headlines. All the foul facts about the Rotten Romans are ready to uncover, including: what Roman soldiers wore under their kilts and how ancient Britons got their hair nice and spiky. Fully illustrated throughout and packed with horrible stories – with all the horribly hilarious bits included! With a fresh take on the classic Horrible Histories style these new editions are perfect for fans old and new.

*With signed bookplate and Horrible Histories Pin Badge*

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Discover all the foul facts about the Rotten Romans with history’s most horrible headlines. All the foul facts about the Rotten Romans are ready to uncover, including: what Roman soldiers wore under their kilts and how ancient Britons got their hair nice and spiky. Fully illustrated throughout and packed with horrible stories – with all the horribly hilarious bits included! With a fresh take on the classic Horrible Histories style these new editions are perfect for fans old and new.

*With signed bookplate and Horrible Histories Pin Badge*

Additional information

Weight .2 kg
Dimensions 20 × 13 × 3 cm


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