In this whimsical tale, readers embark on a heartwarming journey with Morris, an ordinary but worn out little unicorn, who – though ever-ready to help wherever help is needed – finds himself feeling sad and spent.
Determined to feel better, he sets out on a quest to find a fabled ‘Get Well Spell, and on his search encounters a cast of endearing characters, from dragons to mermen and trolls. The narrative is enriched by the wisdom of Wilf, a young elf who serves as Morris’s guide, and helps Morris understand that true magic isn’t always found in faraway spells but in the tender care we give ourselves.
“The Get Well Spell” is not only a delightful story but a gentle guide for young minds and parents alike, emphasizing the importance of being aware of our own mental well-being and developing a tool kit to help us look after our own and others mental health.
Hanna Tkachenco’s stunning illustrations bring the enchanting world of Morris and his friends to life, capturing the essence of the story, creating a captivating tale for readers of all ages.