Family Festive Charity DRAW OFF, (with Sophy Henn, Nick Sharratt, Steven Lenton AND Adam Stower)! ~3rd Dec, 3:30pm


It’s Sophy Henn vs Nick Sharratt vs Steven Lenton vs Adam Stower in our Family Festive Charity Draw Off event!!

Watch these wonderful children’s illustrators go head to head in this fun live drawing event.

The event costs £2 PER PERSON. All proceeds to charity.

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It’s Sophy Henn vs Nick Sharratt vs Steven Lenton vs Adam Stower in our Family Festive Charity Draw Off event!!

Watch these wonderful children’s illustrators go head to head in this fun live drawing event.

The event costs £2 PER PERSON. All proceeds go to Chestnut Tree House charity, who provide children’s hospice care.

The draw off is part of our Festival Charity Day at the Book Nook. We will also be donating 10% of all takings to charity all day, and collecting good quality 2nd hand books for re-housing.


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