How to draw… Sophie Johnson: Detective Genius

Meet Sophie Johnson: outgoing, optimistic and oblivious!

Sophie Johnson studied very hard to become a detective and it’s a good thing she did – there has been a terrible crime! Someone has stolen Lion’s tail. Unfortunately, this means that Sophie doesn’t have time to train her new (and not very good) assistant, Bella. However, is it possible that, while Sophie is busy rounding up suspects, she doesn’t see that Bella may be better than she thinks?

The Sophie Johnson series by Morag Hood and Ella Okstad is perfect for bright young minds and great fun to read aloud as children spot what’s really happening in the story right under Sophie’s nose!

Illustrator Ella Okstad has kindly created this fab ‘How to draw Sophie Johnson’ tutorial for all our budding illustrators.

We’d love to see your detective drawings! Send them to us via our twitter, instagram or facebook and we’ll create a detective gallery and show them to Ella herself! There may even be a prize for our favourite!

Thank you Ella for sharing the tutorial and inspiring future artists.

Ella Okstad loves to draw ghosts, vampires, humans, cats, and all sorts of creatures. She lives and works as an illustrator in Trondheim, Norway. When she’s not in her office creating scary, cute, or peculiar creatures for books, she enjoys spending time with her husband, three boys, and a cat. Visit her at or twitter/instagram – @EllaOkstad

Judith Kerr National Writing Day Competition

Calling all schools and teachers! Exciting new writing competition for your pupils.

To enter, children are asked to produce a piece of original writing inspired by the life or work of Judith Kerr. For example, pupils might choose to write:

  • their own version of The Tiger Who Came to Tea
  • a review of When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit
  • a guide on ‘How to Look After Mog’ or a new Mog story
  • a biography of Judith Kerr
  • a report about tigersAll types and genres of writing are valid, as long as they are linked in some way to Judith Kerr and her books. Please encourage children to be as creative as possible!

Closing date: 4th July 2019

Entry forms and instructions, together with the competition Terms and Conditions, are available at


You can download the flyer with full details here:

JBL Kerr National Writing Day Comp Flyer

Don’t forget you can also win £5000 for your school library with National Book Tokens!