Earth Friends: River Rescue by Holly Webb, Reviewed by Aletha

Earth Friends River Rescue is an interesting story about caring for the environment. It is about a girl called Izzy who is new at the school. When her friend Poppy has Izzy over to her house for a playdate, they then walked Poppy’s dog,  Billy.  However Billy fell in a river that was full of rubbish and  got his paw stuck in an old bike that someone had dumped in there. Izzy then has the epic idea to clean up the river!

I am a big fan of Holly Webb books but I especially liked this one because it is full of nature, friendship and fun!  My favourite part is when Izzy’s enemy Ali pushed Izzy in the river and then there’s a big surprise that follows!!! It is very satisfying because usually Ali gets away with murder!

Although I didn’t find it tricky, this book is a bit more grown up than the other Holly Webb books like The Secret Puppy and The Lost Kitten.

Aletha is 7 and three-quarters. She lives in Brighton and has a guinea pig called Bella. Her favourite authors are Jacqueline Wilson, Roald Dahl, Jill Murphy and J.K Rowling. The fictional world she would most like to live in is the Land of Roar and the character she would most like to be is Evie from the book Evie and the Animals. The character she would least to be stuck in a lift with is Draco Malfoy.

About the book

The second fantastic book in the series about four friends who want to make the world a better place.

Izzy and Poppy are being taken for a walk along the river by Poppy’s boisterous dog, Billy, when he decides to chase after a water-rat. Both animals land in the river, which is so choked with rubbish that Billy can’t get out. His paw is stuck in an old bike wheel and the girls must work to free him. The adventure gives Izzy a great idea for their next project, though, and it’s a very very muddy one…

A brilliant series about the small changes that make a big difference, with themes of environmentalism and friendship. Written by Holly Webb, bestselling author of the Pet Rescue Adventure series.

With cover illustration by Owen Gildersleeve.

Look out for the other books in the Earth Friends series: Fair Fashion, Green Garden, Pet ProtectionOriginally published as Izzy’s Rescue, this edition of the book comes with a brilliant new cover!